The Trans-Himalayas where there is the Four Girls Mountains is called the corridor of the racial migration.
Also many tribes were coming and going north, south, east and west then settled the rGyalrong (rGyalmorong or Queen Valley)
where is in the middle of Trans-Himalayas from the ancient times.
On the present Queen Valley, the rGyalrong Tibetan is the majority. But it is not a single tribe.
It is the one that the various tribes who came in the various times were blended with aboriginal peoples.
Therefore, their language is not a single, but has three kinds of major dialect and two kinds of minor dialect
what is hard to understand each other.
However, the traffic and the communication became convenient then the range of the traffic and the economic activity got widely,
the experience to speak local language of the rGyalrong Tibetan is decreasing now a day.
Their common language is the Shichian dialect or Beijing dialect of the Chinese language.
Moreover, the Tibetan language is teaching very few even at the school in the autonomous prefecture.
On a signboard of the office and the store, the name is written by the Tibetan language and Chinese language.
But almost of the document in the autonomous prefecture are only written by the Chinese language.
rGyalrong Tibetan is the majority on the whole Queen Valley, but it can become a minority in the wider administrative district or the isolated narrow area.
It is not necessarily true that the culture such as the language can be inherited forever.
| An old woman who lives in a big village of the Qiang Tribe
| A girl who lives in a big village of the rGyalrong Tibetan
The photograph of an old woman was taken at the big colony of the Qiang Tribe what is decreased at the present time.
This old woman put on the clothes of the Qiang Tribe and talk about one of the dialects of the Qiang Tribe,
but her foremother was rGyalrong Tibetan.
The lord of the rGyalrong Tibetan ruled this colony until hundreds of years before, but rGyalrong Tibetan became a minority with the end of the rule.
Then, they had been blended with the Qiang Tribe.
The photograph of the girl was taken at the big colony of rGyalrong Tibetan.
Her feature is a familiar face in the rGyalrong Tibetan. But she speak in the dialect what is like the dialect at the Lhasa in central Tibet,
and hard to understand the dialect of existing old kind of rGyalrong Tibetan.
This village is in the place where rich in a benefaction of the nature, and many people lived in from the Neolithic era thousands of years before.
Then, various tribes are moved repeatedly to this place from the ancient times.
The people and the matter of which have strong influence fused in the others language, dresses and as for another culture like the style of architecture, too.
The dresses and their accessories of the man resembles at almost of the Tibetan cultural sphere,
but there is a big difference between rGyalrong Tibetan and other Tibetan as for the woman.
Moreover, there is a regional difference in the Queen Valley and they have inherited the peculiar tradition of the dresses and their accessories.
However, because the opportunity to see a dresses and their accessories in the far away and no exchanges area was increased by watch TV and travel,
the trend what the young generation and the event promoter take in these dresses and their accessories without paying any attention is seen at present time.
It is advanced, but is a pity that the tradition peculiar to this area fades away.