Information - 2011 -

October, 2011 : The illustrated book of the flower was added to this web-site.
The illustrated book of the flower which bloomed around the Four Girls Mountains was added in the website of "The Goddess on the Mountains in Southwestern China". This site shows about 40 families, 100 species and 200 photos of flowers. There are various kind of flowers such as the blue poppy (Meconopsis), the primrose (Primula), the lady's slipper (Cypripedium) and so on. A radio program "World Flowers Network" by the Japan FM Network broadcasted this site on November 28.

September, 2011 : The ceremony of the new Lamasery what is rests the statue of Buddha
In September 29th, the statue of Buddha rested in the new Lamasery what was rebuilded at 5 years ago. Many llamas and villagers gathered, and the ceremony was held on this day. The temple belongs to the Gelug Sect(dGe Lugs Pa/Yellow Hat sect),but the name of the lamasery is "Sukola". It comes from a name of mountain god "sukolajida" (phonetic notation is not strict) what protects this local area. Villagers who gathered offer incense sticks and celebrate the new Lamasery.

August, 2011 : Fully open to traffic in the section at Yingxiu and Wolong was put off until 2016
The repair work of the road in the section at Yingxiu and Wolong what was destroyed by a severe earthquake in 2008 is hurried, but construction is full of difficulty because the slope of the gorge collapsed widely. Therefore time of the fully open to traffic was put off until 2016. In addition, new traffic regulation was added : only on odd days can pass from Yingxiu to Wolongs and only on even days can pass from Wolong to Yingxiu.

July, 2011 : The time required to the Four Girls Mountains by public bus was shortened largely
The roadwork of the Jiajinshan Route was completed formally, and the public bus of the Chengdu and Xiaojin opened a service. The time required from Chengdu to Four Girls Mountains by the route of Danba is about 13 hours, but it is about 9 hours by the route of Jiajinshan. But it shuld be change a car at the Dawei where is the entry of Jiajinshan Pass. It will take about 30 minutes(10 RMB/person) to the Rilong Town where is a foot of Four Girls Mountains by taxi. As for the departure time of the bus, at the Chengdu by about 06:20, at the Xiaojin about 06:40, the fare is 106 RMB/person.

June, 2011 : Please do not take away the wild alpine plant
The Four Girls Mountains is the treasure house of alpine plants, and a lot of flowers bloom. However, please do not take away these plant and flowers because it is limited resources. Even if a beautiful bouquet is made, it is thrown away sometime soon. There are several red and yellow poppy, primrose and so on what is thrown away in the parking. The red poppy is the 2nd class protected plant in the nation. When you found the people who take away the wild plant and flower, please give a warning. Thanks.

March, 2011 : The radiobroadcast to encourage the revival of Tohoku Earthquake disaster in Japan
A radio program "World Flowers Network" by the Japan FM Network what is encourage from the world stricken area was broadcasted on March 29. And the Four Girls Mountains participated on the telephone, talked about the revival from Sichuan Earthquake of 2008 and the aid from Japan. We wish all of you of the Tohoku district good luck. Please take it easy.

January, 2011 : The weather of the last year
It was unusually more rainfall in last summer, and the rainy season was over on September 10th which is about one week later than an average year.
This winter was cold in strong contrast to the mild winter of the past few years, and they have had in 100 years in some part of the country.

January, 2011 : The repair work for the Sichuan Earthquake
The restoration work was almost completed. Only the repair construction of some of the houses and the maintenance work on the around are continued. Most of the houses were rebuild to the guest house which has well-proportioned facilities (there are several rooms with the lavatory and shower). The number of tourist is still a few, and the villager hope that the tourist returns early, their jobs increase and their income restore. On the other hand, all of the big hotels are proceeding with the redecoration or the reconstruction (aiming at five star) toward the full opening of the Wolong route after 2 years, and the accommodation is limited.
There are 3 route from the Chengdu to the Four Girls Mountains. A small vehicle and a track are able to pass the Yingxiu-Wolong-Balangshan Route, all kind of vehicle are able to pass the Jiajinshan and the Danba Route. The public bus what thinks much of the safety of the passenger is using a Danba Route. However, this route is able to pass only at the morning, noon and the evening by the reason of the construction of a power station.

Produced by Kenzo Okawa
Particular adviser of Four Girls Mountains Nature Reserve Management Bureau